The Fourth


Blazer: Feebee's
top: Forever21

It's been a long time since my last outfit post. I try to be as fashionably comfortable as I can on Wednesdays but since I don't have anyone to take photos of me, I don't get to blog about what I wear. Anyway, this is what I wore to school today. I really planned on wearing a red and blue outfit when I found out the 4th of July (US Independence Day) fell on a wash day Wednesday. I thought of how fitting and thematic that would be, but then I feel like I was the only one who "celebrated"/dressed up in honor of their holiday.

I was supposed to wear my red cardigan but I couldn't find it so I rummaged through my sister's closet and found her only red blazer that fit me. I immediately thought of Cheyser's advice on how a blazer saves the day. She was right; the outfit would've looked so bland had I not put the blazer on. I would've worn heels too, but I just can't wing it (I carry lots of stuff in school)!

Thank you to Jannah for taking my photos! :)
So, how was your Wednesday?

1 comment

  1. At least you remembered! I forgot that it was the 4th of July but had red, blue, and white elements today. :))

    Btw, GREAT blazer!

    Heidi T.



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