

Blogging is no easy task.

This is what Pat, Rien and I realized when we shot a series of outfit shots at MTS last month. It may seem glamorous--we dress up, go to events, get paid or get freebies at times--but nothing glamorous ever comes without hard work. We're like a whole magazine staff rolled into one! We're our own stylist, photographer, (photo) editor, writer, PA (since we carry our own clothes to shoots!), social media promoter, layout/art director/editor--name every position in a magazine and chances are, we've done some work of it!

Before we (or big bloggers, anyway) strike it big, we get down and dirty! And I mean down and dirty. We've been known to stoop to the ground to just get that perfect shot--even in heels! And there are times Dawn, Rien and I commute home and Dawn says "If only people could see us!" So yes, blogging isn't all that glamorous. And no, I don't think of myself any different, like I'm entitled to special treatment, contrary to that actually. I'm pretty much comfortable in anonymity but I also welcome it (and I get flattered!) if people recognize me. :)

So just to have fun, I've decided to list some of the common #bloggerproblems I have encountered. If you have a blog/are a blogger too, I'm sure you can relate:

1) Covers monitor when someone comes while you're typing an entry then realizing later that they'd be able to read that post anyway later on.

2) Getting lots of ideas for posts when you don't have time and getting writer's block when you do.

3) Chasing the light. 
As Amy Poehler said on Mean Girls: "Happy hour is from 4-6" ;)

4) Thinking of titles!

5) Wears a nice outfit. Has no one to shoot it for you..or it rains.
(Thus re-shoots)

6) Photos or it didn't happen: Hang outs/work outs/everything must be documented.

7) Ugly (candid) outtakes!

8) That magical day/time/hour to post and promote your post!
Surely as a blogger, you must know what days and times have the most people online! Need to capitalize on that for views! (Learned about this from Cheyser :) )

9) Technical difficulties.
When your camera breaks down, when you can't upload photos, when your photos don't turn out the way you want them to (#reallyneedtolearnPhotoshop!), when you can't access your site, etc.

10) Looking at your old posts and wanting to crawl into a hole in shame! HAHA

top: Forever 21 || plaid hoodie: Cotton On (my brother's) || boots: thrifted (Feebee's)

Can you relate or do you have anything else to add? Haha! :)


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