12 Days of Christmas Giveaway: Day 4 **CLOSED**


image source

on the fourth day of Christmas, Farrah gave to me...


I was really giddy about this one! I know a LOT of people luuuuurve Asian Vogue, and love their shoes so thank you Angel for this! :)


All you have to do is:

1. Follow my blog
(GFC/ Networked Blogs/ Bloglovin')


2. Like Asian Vogue on Facebook

and follow them on Twitter

That will be one (1) mandatory entry. 

And since I love doing bonus entries on other blogs, I will be generous with my bonus entry options.


(1) Follow me on twitter (@farrahgarcia) (+1)
(2) Tweet this: "Win a GC from @asianvogueshop on @farrahgarcia's blog http://bit.ly/sVbGWF " (+2)
(3) Blog about this contest on your blog (+3)
(4) Post the first picture on your blog sidebar and link this giveaway post (+3)
(5) Share this on your Facebook wall. (Make sure the post is viewable to everyone) (+1)
(6) Answer this question: "What is your favorite Christmas carol and why?" (No particular reason, I just want to know) (+1) FAIL. I already asked this in the WearMauve giveaway. To those who already answered this, it's okay. It's still counted. My new question is..

What's the best Christmas gift you gave anyone? Tell me about it :)
(7) Add me to your blog roll (+1)
(8) Add Asian Vogue on Multiply(+1)
(9) Follow Asian Vogue on Tumblr (+1)

So, the maximum number of entries you can get is 15!

Comment on the post in this format:


GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name:

E-mail address:
(if you did the bonus entries)
Answer to question:
Multiply name:
Facebook Name:
Twitter Name:
Link to Facebook post:
Link to tweet:
(If you don't know how to get the link to tweet, click on the time stamp)
Link to blog:
Link to blog post:
Total # of entries: (be honest, I will check!!)

I will pick the winners using random.org, and e-mail the winners soon after.

They will have 2 days or 48 hours to respond to my e-mail, and if they did not, I will pick another winner.

The contest will run for two (2) weeks. It ends on December 17, 2011 at 11:59 pm (+8 GMT)
and is open to Philippine residents only.

BTW, Have you also joined Day 1 of my Christmas giveaway? :)
or or Day 2 of my Christmas giveaway? :-)
or how about Day 3? :)


  1. Name: Vanessa Marie B. Apal
    GFC name:Vanessa Marie
    E-mail address:vanessamarie.apal@gmail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Facebook Name:Vanessa Marie
    Twitter Name:iamveeh
    Link to Facebook post:http://www.facebook.com/iamveeh/posts/320834637927270
    Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/#!/iamveeh/status/142919159792144384
    Link to blog: http://iamsupervain.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post:http://iamsupervain.blogspot.com/2011/12/12-days-of-christmas-giveaway-day-4.html

  2. Name: Mariel Mangubat

    GFC- ayenahmariel/Bloglovin'-ayenahmariel/Networked Blogs- Mariel Venus Mangubat name:

    E-mail address:ayenahmariel_24@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question:jingle bells cause when i hear it, i know that it is the start of Christmas:)
    Multiply name:ayenahmariel
    Facebook Name: Mariel Venus Mangubat
    Twitter Name: ayenahmariel
    Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/#!/ayenahmariel/status/142929516950593536
    Total # of entries: 7

  3. Name: Carla Cruz

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Carla

    E-mail address: carlambcruz@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: I said Carol of the Bells in the earlier giveaway post, so I'll choose another one this time. HMMM. "Heto Na Naman"! :D
    Multiply name: carlascloset
    Facebook Name: Carla Cruz
    Twitter Name: @carlalovestea
    Total # of entries: 4

  4. Name: Jen Destura
    GFC name: Jen Destura
    E-mail address: jen.destura@gmail.com
    Answer to question: Silent Night
    Multiply name: @halojen
    Facebook Name: Jen Destura
    Twitter Name: @jendestura
    Link to Facebook post:
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/jendestura/status/143159059879694339
    Total # of entries: 7

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Name: charmaigne grace gepana

    GFC: charmaigne grace

    E-mail address: hotie_shockz@yahoo.com

    Answer to question: unconditional love to my parents, and support and trust to everybody
    Multiply name: twilightxas
    Facebook Name: shaz gepana
    Twitter Name: @charmaignegrace
    Link to tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/charmaignegrace/status/143179383870472193
    Link to blog:hotieshockz.blogspot.com
    Link to blog post:http://hotieshockz.blogspot.com/2011/12/day-4-12-days-of-christmas-giveaway.html
    Total # of entries: 11

  7. Name:Camille Quiambao
    GFC: notyourordinaryteacher
    Networked Blogs name: cholo chavez
    E-mail address:quiamoi_tres@yahoo.com

    Answer to question:The best Christmas gift I gave is a sala set to my parents. The money I used is from my first pay check
    Facebook Name:cholo chavez
    Twitter Name:@quiam
    Link to Facebook post:http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=199287746822954&id=100002251891467
    Link to tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/quiam/status/143190194571591682
    Total # of entries:8

  8. Name: Krshna Perez

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Krshna Perez

    E-mail address: krshnaperez@ymail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: The best Christmas gift that I have ever given is LOVE. It is free. It is endless. It is unconditional. It is for all.
    Facebook Name: Krshna Perez
    Twitter Name: krshnaofficial
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/krshnaofficial/status/143193596466704384
    Link to blog: http://krshnaperez.tumblr.com
    Link to blog post: http://krshnaperez.tumblr.com/post/13714267075/join-layeredvintageluxes-12-days-of-christmas
    Total # of entries: 12

  9. Name: Ma. Elinor Semira

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Elinor Semira/SuperMOM Thoughts/Ma Elinor Semira
    E-mail address: elinorsemira0124(at)gmail(dot)com
    Answer to question: The best Christmas gift I gave anyone aside from love is a Transformers toy for my hubby! He's been collecting these items since grade school. :)
    Multiply name: mhoie1325
    Facebook Name: Ma Elinor Semira
    Twitter Name: mhoie1325
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=295193853853725&id=100003175719528
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/mhoie1325/status/143186206031745024
    Link to blog: http://mhoie1325.blogspot.com
    Link to blog post: http://mhoie1325.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactors-12-days-of-christmas_03.html
    Total # of entries: 15

  10. GFC: Kat Valdez
    Bloglovin': kattvaldez
    Networked Blogs name: Katerina Valdez
    E-mail address: mail.katvaldez@gmail.com

    Answer to question:
    Multiply: katzalphabet
    Tumblr id: kattvaldez
    Facebook Name: Katerina Valdez
    Twitter Name: @kattvaldez
    Link to Facebook post:http://www.facebook.com/xxkatvaldez/posts/255587564497114
    Link to tweet:
    Link to blog: http://fashyowndreams.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: (i just placed the picture on the lower right part of my blog :) )
    Total # of entries: 11

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Name: Alyssa Mae M. de Guzman

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: ly de guzman

    E-mail address: wow_aly_ssa@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: I draw the face of my dad ang gave it to him
    Multiply name: Alyssa de Guzman
    Facebook Name: Alyssa de Guzman
    Twitter Name: wowalyssa
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/lydeguzman/posts/283702115000619
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/wowalyssa/status/143379705284927490
    Link to blog: i-am-ly.tumblr.com
    Link to blog post: http://i-am-ly.tumblr.com/post/13733657891/giveaway

  13. Name: Angel Sagrado
    GFC: Angel Sagrado
    E-mail address: gelsagrado@gmail.com
    Answer to question: Gave bangles to my girlfriends!
    Multiply name: gelsagrado (angel sagrado)
    Facebook Name: Angel Sagrado
    Twitter Name: @angel_salupa
    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=299884686713181&id=100000255193937
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/angel_salupa/status/143384680769650688
    Link to blog post: http://duchesslucio.tumblr.com/post/13734518338/giveaway-asianvogueshop
    Total # of entries: mmmmmmm... 11? =)

  14. Name: Arra Morta

    GFC- arra/Bloglovin'-Arra Morta/Networked Blogs- Arra Morta

    E-mail address: naked_cannibal@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question:
    Love and acceptance is the most awesome gift I gave not just for holiday,but all year round,to my husband!

    Multiply name: sasharra
    Facebook Name: Arra Morta
    Twitter Name: NakedArra
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/NakedArra/status/143511182484062208
    Blog roll: http://www.prettyface-arra.blogspot.com/
    FB POST: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=304731476215052&id=100000565023035

    total entries:8

  15. Name: France Irish Camposano

    GFC: France Irish
    Bloglovin': Prety and Fab
    Networked Blogs name: France Irish C
    E-mail address: franceirish_c(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Answer to question: A baby.. hahahaha!
    Multiply name: http://franceirishcamposano.multiply.com/
    Facebook Name: France Irish C
    Twitter Name: franceirish
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/franceirish/status/143517618052153345
    Link to blog: http://franceirish.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: http://prettyandfab.tumblr.com/post/13760934088/12-days-of-christmas-giveaway-day-4
    Total # of entries: 14

  16. Name: Jeemah Villaverde
    GFC: Jeemah Villaverde
    Bloglovin': figments of my imagination (immacoffeeholic.tumblr.com)
    Multiply: jemating
    E-mail address: jeemah_vill@yahoo.com

    Answer to question: i gave my parents and my brother a cake and some clothes from my first salary! I felt so happy..that at least, i've shared a little out from my own wallet :)

    Facebook Name: Jeemah Villaverde
    Twitter Name: @jem_villaverde
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/jem_villaverde/status/143586405191385091

    Totoal no.of entries: 7 :)

  17. Name: Daisha Abrera

    GFC: daixa_abrera22
    Bloglovin': Daeidreamer
    Networked Blogs name: Daisha Abrera

    E-mail address: daixa_abrera22@yahoo.com

    Answer to question: A DIY Christmas Card to my parents when I was a kid. The message is so cheesy. Like everytime I remember it, i'm embarassed but still cute and sweet.
    Multiply name: http://daeidreamer.multiply.com
    Facebook Name: Daisha Abrera
    Twitter Name: daishabrera
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/ahsiadabrera/posts/214758328598271
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/daishabrera/status/143616007649497088
    Link to blog: http://daishabrera.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: http://daishabrera.blogspot.com/2011/12/more-giveaways-from-cool-bloggers.html
    Total # of entries: 15

  18. Name: Clarice Anne F. Calixton
    GFC Blog Name: Clarice Anne F. Calixton (http://cafcbaby.blogspot.com)
    E-mail address: cclariceanne@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: A DIY Bracelet for my best friend <3
    Multiply name: iamnotclarice
    Facebook Name: Clarice Anne Fernandez Calixton
    Twitter Name: @chincalixton
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/chinihc/posts/300927709938619
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/chincalixton/status/143633964614168577
    Link to blog: http://cafcbaby.blogspot.com
    Link to blog post: http://cafcbaby.blogspot.com/2011/12/giveaway-from-tsr.html
    Total # of Entries: 15

  19. Name: Kerra Balabis

    GFC name: Kerra Balabis
    Bloglovin' name: Kerra Balabis

    E-mail address: kpbalabis@gmail.com

    Answer to question: DIY rosaries for my friends & family! :)
    Multiply name: kerracute
    Facebook Name: facebook.com/androidkerra
    Twitter Name: tweetkhy
    Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/#!/tweetkhy/status/143644101319987200
    Link to blog: androidkerra.tumblr.com
    Link to blog post: http://androidkerra.tumblr.com/post/13775569321/12-days-of-christmas-giveaway-day-4-of-the-style
    Total # of entries: 11

  20. Name: Felisa May Tan

    GFC Name: Felisa ♥
    Bloglovin' Random Ramblings (felisatan07@yahoo.com)
    E-mail address: felisatan07@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: My presence, giving my time and effort to someone is I think, the best gift I gave to someone. Time is priceless ♥
    Multiply name: felvin
    Twitter Name: @felisamay
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/felisamay/status/143676245341782018
    Link to blog post: http://felisamay.tumblr.com/post/13777389022/win-a-gc-from-asianvogueshop-on-farrahgarcias-bloghttp://felisamay.tumblr.com/post/13777351978/accessories-from-wear-mauve-up-for-grabs-on-day-3-of
    Total # of entries: 10

  21. Name: luningning arabiran

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: luningning

    E-mail address: luning_ning@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: flowers
    Multiply name: yingying27
    Facebook Name: luningning arabiran
    Twitter Name: yingying27
    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/#!/luningning.arabiran/posts/276944215691309
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/yingying27/status/143697630449504256
    Total # of entries: 7

  22. Name: Daryl Ygnacio
    GFC Blogs name: Daryl Ygnacio
    E-mail address: darylangela_ygnacio@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: A violet underwear with "marikit" printed on it I gave it to my friend :>
    Multiply name: daryl ygnacio
    Facebook Name: Daryl Ygnacio
    Twitter Name: @darylangela
    Tumblr: http://darylygnacio.tumblr.com/
    Total # of entries: 5

  23. Name: Mary Jay Javier
    GFC- maryjayjavier29
    E-mail address: maryjayjavier29@yahoo.com.ph

    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question:
    Love is the perfect gift I can gave to my parents! :)
    Multiply name: maryjay29
    Facebook Name: Mary Jay Javier
    Twitter Name: maryjayjavier
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/MaryJayJavier/status/144017911789531136
    Blog roll: http://maja-ambisyosa.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactor-12-days-of-christmas.html
    FB POST: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=251163361613487&id=100002131878230
    Total # of entries: 8

  24. Name: Elaine Chua

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Elaine Chua / Khyutee On Duty / N/A

    E-mail address: elainecutey(at)yahoo(dot)com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: I gave my sister a portable charger.
    Multiply name: elainecutey
    Facebook Name: Elaine Chua
    Twitter Name: @JCnQT
    Link to Facebook post:
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/JCnQT/status/144066740530319360
    Link to blog: http://khyutee.wordpress.com
    Link to blog post: http://khyutee.wordpress.com/2011/12/06/the-style-reactor-day-4-giveaway/
    Total # of entries: 13

  25. Name: Kimberly Camille Tiu

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Kimberly Tiu

    E-mail address: purple_kim37@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: A hug, to warm the cold Christmas morning.
    Multiply name: kimtiu37
    Facebook Name: Kimberly Camille Tiu
    Twitter Name: kimtiu37
    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/KimTiu/posts/261290067261695
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/kimtiu37/status/144097964044980224
    Tumblr: http://kimtiu37.tumblr.com/

    Total # of entries: 8

  26. Name: Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales / dimplesgon
    Email: dimplesgon@yahoo.com

    Answer: love and affection

    FB: Rachelle Therese Feliciano Gonzales

    FB Post

  27. Name:Ricalyn Sicad

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name:Ricalyn Sicad

    E-mail address:ricalynsicad@yahoo.com
    Answer to question:for may bf-Scrapbook of our love stories-including pictures, keepssakes, textmsgs,etc, i
    Multiply name:Ricalyn Sicad
    Facebook Name:RiCalyn Sicad
    Twitter Name:@rsicad
    Link to Facebook post:http://www.facebook.com/ricalynsicad/posts/126121220835095
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/rsicad/status/144342005865132033
    Total # of entries:9

  28. Name: Julienne S. Baldonado

    GFC: Julienne

    E-mail address: julzbaldonado@gmail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Facebook Name: Julienne Baldonado
    Twitter Name: julyennn
    Link to tweet:
    Total # of entries: 4

  29. Name: Paulyn Dela Cruz

    GFC: littlemisspoleng

    E-mail address: mariepaulyn.delacruz@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Multiply name: http://bebepoleng.multiply.com/
    Facebook Name: Marie PauLyn DeLa Cruz
    Twitter Name: @MariePaulyn
    Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/#!/MariePaulyn/status/144387673791004672

  30. Name: Brittne Lopez

    GFC: Brit Lopez

    E-mail address: brittne.lopez@yahoo.com

    Multiply name: brittleneee.multiply.com
    Twitter Name: BritplusL
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/BritplusL/status/144432366113398784

    Total # of entries: 6

    Manadatory Entry (+1)
    Followed on twitter (+1)
    Tweeted (+2)
    Added Asian Vogue on Multiply (+1)
    Followed Asian Vogue on Tumblr (+1)

  31. Name: Riza Javier-Llarena

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: rizel430

    E-mail address: rizel430@yahoo.com.ph
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: the best Christmas gift i gave anyone is a watch for my hubby!
    Facebook Name: Riza J. Llarena
    Twitter Name: @azleko
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=306482176040697&id=1591003968
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/azleko/status/144683915163078656
    Total # of entries: 6

  32. Name: Riza Javier-Llarena

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: rizel430

    E-mail address: rizel430@yahoo.com.ph
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: the best Christmas gift i gave was a watch for my hubby.
    Facebook Name: Riza J. Llarena
    Twitter Name: @azleko
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=306482176040697&id=1591003968
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/azleko/status/144683915163078656
    Total # of entries: 6

  33. Name: Tanya Baldovino

    GFC name: tanya

    E-mail address: bluey_clover@yahoo.com

    Answer to question: I gave my boyfriend expensive boxing gloves! I love how he looked at it like he was a boy and he just received a shiny new toy!
    Multiply name: pinkista26 (added Asianvogue)
    Tumblr Name: botat (added in tumblr)
    Link to Facebook post:
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/tanyainlive/status/144728891767009280
    Total # of entries: 5

  34. Name: Rosemarie Samson
    GFC Name: Sammy Samson
    Bloglovin' Name: sammysamson
    Networked Blogs Name: Sammy Samson
    E-mail address: rosemariesamson@rocketmail.com
    Answer to question: The best Christmas gift I gave someone was an item I crocheted myself! Effort matters more! Haha!
    Multiply name: mycolorfulworld (Rose Samson)
    Facebook Name: Sammy Samson
    Twitter Name: @sammiisamson
    Link to tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/sammiisamson/status/144773978895040514
    Tumblr: sammyusamson.tumblr.com (sammyusamson)

    Total # of entries: 9

  35. Name:Erlinda Sicad
    GFC/Networked Blogs name:Erlinda Sicad
    E-mail address:erlindasicad@yahoo.com
    Answer to question:I gave my husband a watch:)
    Facebook Name:Erlinda Sicad
    Twitter Name:@erlindasicad
    Link to Facebook post:http://www.facebook.com/lindasicad/posts/277053672346863
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/erlindasicad/status/144786753318952960

  36. Name: Juvette Chrisha Mercado
    Email: chrisha.mercado@gmail.com
    Facebook Name: Juvette Chrisha Mercado
    Twitter name: shingchrishing

    Bonus Entry:
    followed you on twitter
    tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/shingchrishing/status/144842091061719041


  37. Name: Mirzi Sarte
    GFC: mizi_heatherfield
    E-mail address: mizi_heatherfield@yahoo.com
    Multiply: enchantedlass
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: I gave my friend a homemade scrapbook which includes our pictures, memories, quotes and messages.
    Multiply name: enchantedlass
    Facebook Name: Mizi Sarte
    Twitter Name: mizichic
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/mizichic/status/144970200905814016
    Added Asian Vogue on Multiply.
    Total # of entries: 5

  38. Name: Patricia Calma

    GFC name: Patricia Calma
    Bloglovin' name: Patricia Calma
    Networked Blogs name: Patricia Calma

    E-mail address: patricia_calma@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: I gave my mom a gc for a nail spa package. She was getting really stressed with all the Christmas planning and decorating so I decided to pamper her ♥
    Multiply name: Tricia Calma
    Facebook Name: Patricia Calma
    Twitter Name: @triciacalma
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/triciacalma/status/144993993133006848
    Link to blog: http://triciaaaac.tumblr.com/
    Link to blog post: http://triciaaaac.tumblr.com/post/13955708539/12-days-of-christmas-giveaway-day-4-tsr-x-asian-vogue
    Total # of entries: 13

  39. Thank you for the giveaway, I'm always excited to view your blog everyday :) Advance Merry Christmas.

    Name: Joanne Maryrose S. Olaes
    GFC: Joanne
    Bloglovin': joanne_olaes@yahoo.com
    Networked Blogs name: Joanne Maryrose Sierra Olaes

    E-mail address: joanne_olaes@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: The best gift I gave to someone would be a teddy bear which I bought from my own money for the first time. And I gave it to my bestfriend :)

    Multiply name: ilovemuffin05
    Facebook Name: Joanne Maryrose Sierra Olaes
    Twitter Name: @JoanneOlaes
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/imfree05/posts/298880476819129
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/JoanneOlaes/status/145044262856310784
    Link to blog: http://jobie16.tumblr.com
    Link to blog post: http://jobie16.tumblr.com/post/13961104621

    Total # of entries: 14

  40. Name: Jessiemer Abing

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Jessie Abing

    E-mail address: jessiemerabing@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: Love and joy for everyone!
    Twitter Name: @JessieDca
    Link to tweet: theres no time stamp in my twitter post. heres my twitter link https://twitter.com/#!/JessieDCa

    Total # of entries: 5

  41. Name: Carla Catedral
    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Carla Cee
    E-mail address: carling_137@yahoo.com
    Facebook Name: Carla Catedral
    Twitter Name: macandi9
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/macandi9/status/145153207503560704
    Total # of entries: 4

  42. Name: Jessamer Abing

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Jessa Abing

    E-mail address: jessamerabing@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: Letter! :)
    Twitter Name: @jexxaaaaaa
    Link to tweet:https://twitter.com/#!/jexxaaaaaa
    i think twitter updated their site cant find the time stamp! :(

    Link to blog: http://iminandimnextjesaaaaxxxxx-jessa.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post:http://iminandimnextjesaaaaxxxxx-jessa.blogspot.com/2011/12/12-days-of-christmas-giveaway-day-4.html
    Total # of entries: 9

  43. Multiply name:kristinevillano
    Facebook Name: Kristine Villano
    Twitter Name: kweshiedoodles
    Link to Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/kweshiepoo/posts/251091994955455
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/kweshiedoodles/status/145416230780669952
    Link to blog: kweshiedoodles.blogspot.com
    Total # of entries: Just 6 dear. :)

  44. joining!
    gfc,twitter,fb: madjewel
    -4 entries =D

    E-mail address: slither1004(at)gmail(dot)com

    GFC: aida
    Bloglovin: Keene Slither
    Networked Blogs name: Keene Slither

    Answer to question: Branded Shoes
    Multiply name: kincedrew
    Facebook Name: KEENE SLITHER
    Twitter Name: slither1004
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/afvillanuevaII/posts/216169675126472
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/slither1004/status/145457486613319681
    Link to blog: http://slither1004.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: http://slither1004.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactor-12-days-of-christmas_2914.html

    Total # of entries: 12 entries

  46. Name: Alleyson Laurice R. Rabino

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Alleyson Laurice/ Alleyson Laurice Rabino/ Alleyson Laurice Rabino

    E-mail address: alleysonlaurice_06@yahoo.com

    Multiply name: Alleyson Laurice Rabino

    Facebook Name: Alleyson Laurice Rabino

    Twitter Name: @alleysonlaurice

    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/alleysonrabino/posts/291746597537013

    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/alleysonlaurice/status/145464954861010944

    Link to blog: http://rabinoalleysonlaurice.blogspot.com/

    Total # of entries: 8

  47. • Name: Aine Garcia
    • GFC Name: aine
    • E-mail address: luckyaine(at)gmail(dot)com


    • Answer to question: The best Christmas gift that I gave was for my inaanak. I gave her a cute handbag, which she adores so much. It was perfect for her, because she was "nagdadalaga" that time.

    • Facebook Name: Aine Garcia
    • Twitter Name: @ainyxi
    • Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/mom.aine/posts/187955927966017
    • Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/ainyxi/status/145717422853341184
    • Link to blog (sidebar post): http://lovintheprizeoflife.blogspot.com/

    Total # of entries: 9

  48. Name:Lorna Puno

    GFC: lorna puno

    E-mail address:karylle_03272005@yahoo.com

    Facebook Name:Lorna Puno

    Twitter Name: @lhornsky

    Link to Facebook post:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=292143777497459&id=100000462081940

    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/lhornsky/status/145756558767300609

  49. GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Janine M./Nin Monster in Manila/ Janine Monasterial
    E-mail address: ninmonster at rocketmail dot com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: I gave someone a poem that I meant with all my heart. :)
    Multiply name: damselflypoet
    Facebook Name: Janine Monasterial
    Twitter Name: janinegenious
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/janinegenious/status/145763100656799745
    Blog roll: http://monsterprettyinthecity.blogspot.com/p/blog-roll.html
    Tumblr: ninmonsterinmanila.tumblr.com

    Total # of entries: 8

  50. glaiza rica bonglay
    fb name: glaiza rica bonglay
    twitter name: @rixquero
    entries 5

  51. Name: Francesca Arches

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Followed on GFC Through Twitter. Name: Francesca Arches

    E-mail address: hernameisfrancesca@gmail.com
    Answer to question: The best gift I gave for Christmas is flying home so that I can spend time with all my loved ones!
    Multiply name: princessfrancescs
    Twitter Name: @sheisfrancesca
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/sheisfrancesca/status/145197899515576322
    Link to blog: http://hernameisfrancesca.tumblr.com/
    Total # of entries: 10

  52. Name: Cat Triviño

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Cat

    E-mail address: cat.trivino@gmail.com
    Answer to question: Books and clothes for charity ♥
    Multiply name: xirao
    Facebook Name: Cat Triviño
    Twitter Name: @sinosicat
    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/sinosicat/posts/251538941577485
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/sinosicat/status/146135597839429632
    (If you don't know how to get the link to tweet, click on the time stamp)
    Link to blog: http://sinosicat.com

    Added to blog roll, added to Tumblr & multiply!

    Total # of entries: 11

  53. Name:Charmaine Montes

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: charmaine montes via twitter @loveforcharm

    E-mail address: minmingwapa@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: the best one probably, to be just at home with my family
    Multiply name: spirelli salad
    Facebook Name: Charmaine Montes
    Twitter Name: @loveforcharm
    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/cminmontes/posts/301999306507264
    Link to tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/loveforcharm/status/146205442756984832

    Total # of entries: 8

  54. Name:Essa Armille Polanco

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Essa Armille Polanco

    E-mail address: bratzgreen@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question:
    Multiply name:
    Facebook Name:https://www.facebook.com/ishee.cohleet

    Twitter Name: @e_x_x_x_a

    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/e_x_x_x_a/status/146231828288782339

    Link to blog post: https://twitter.com/#!/e_x_x_x_a/status/146231884693774337

    Total # of entries: (be honest, I will check!!)- 9

    the best Christmas gift i gave to anyone is my love. because i am not a showie type of person but when its Christmas time thats the time I show everyone how much they mean to me.:)

  55. name dindi rose delos santos
    gfc dindi delos santos
    email diayendiay@yahoo.com
    Twitter Name: @dindiiiii
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/dindiiiii/status/146241276839342080
    multiply name: finderskeepershop.multiply.com
    tumblr: thepaperboatmachine.tumblr.com
    Total # of entries: 6

  56. Name: Tanya Santiago

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Tanya Santiago

    E-mail address:svetsan@ymail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: The best christmas gift that I will be giving for this coming Christmas is FORGIVENESS for my ex boyfriend, I still love him but all I have to do is accept what happened, let go of the grudges and give the guy a room for change even if it by means of not having me in his life anymore. </3
    Multiply name: Treatshoppe
    Facebook Name: Tanya Santiago
    Twitter Name: svetlanisophy
    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=204078149677383&id=100002304731368
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/svetlanisophy/status/146257297608417280
    Link to blog: http://svetlanisophy.blogspot.com
    Total # of entries:

  57. Name: Marinette
    GFC : Bachuchay
    E-mail address: huggie0109(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Answer to question: I gave an expensive watch to my bf
    Facebook Name: Monette Nama
    Twitter Name: iambachuchay
    Link to tweet :

    No of entries : 4

  58. Name: Geraldine Marie Gonzaga

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: GFC: Geraldine Gonzaga

    E-mail address: geraldinemariegonzaga@gmail.com


    Answer to question: I gave someone an expensive watch that he totally liked! :)
    Multiply name: geraldine08
    Link to blog: http://geraldinereblogs.tumblr.com/
    Link to blog post: http://geraldinereblogs.tumblr.com/post/14158635543/join-the-style-reactors-giveaway
    Total # of entries: 7 :)

  59. Name: Elaine Dela Peña

    GFC name: eleiii121997

    E-mail address: eleii121997@yahoo.com


    Answer to question: Honestly, I suck at giving gifts for Christmas but the last I remember I gave my Mom a Christmas card. And, said all the sweetest things to her. Probably the best so far aha :)
    Multiply name: hell0goodbye.multiply.com
    Facebook Name: Elaine Dela Peña
    Twitter Name: helloleii
    Link to Facebook post: ---
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/helloleii/status/146560724968292352
    Link to blog: awsmlei.tumblr.com / http://awsmlei.tumblr.com/tagged/joined
    Link to blog post: http://awsmlei.tumblr.com/post/14163409574/join-farrah-gs-12-days-of-christmas-giveaway-day
    Total # of entries: 12

  60. Name: Mary Jay Javier

    GFC name: maryjayjavier29

    E-mail address: maryjayjavier29
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: The best christmas gift that I can give this christmas is forgiveness and love!
    Multiply name: maryjay29
    Facebook Name: Mary Jay Javier
    Twitter Name: maryjayjavier
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=291787620857524&id=100002131878230
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/MaryJayJavier/status/146564964927291393
    Link to blog: http://maja-ambisyosa.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactor-12-days-of-christmas_1937.html
    Link to blog post: http://maja-ambisyosa.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactor-12-days-of-christmas_1937.html
    Total # of entries: 13

  61. Name: percel espina
    GFC name: pai espina


    Networked Blogs name:


    E-mail address: jaberwockied.belle@yahoo.com


    Answer to question: I gave a pampering spa package to my brother and fiance. :)
    Multiply name: pithyperz
    Facebook Name: percel espina
    Twitter Name: @fashionkhalessi
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/fashionkhalessi/posts/199389446814167
    Link to tweet:
    Link to blog: http://laagansipai.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: http://paiholic.tumblr.com/post/14165047550/join-the-style-reactors-12-days-of-christmas
    Total # of entries: 15

    Merry Christmas Farrah! Enjoy the season! :) God Bless!

  62. Name: Wilhelmina C. Balondo

    GFC: Mina Balondo

    E-mail address: mina.balondo@yahoo.com

    Answer to question: pair of shoes for my sister. She didn't expect that.
    Facebook Name:Wilhelmina C. Balondo
    Twitter Name: @minabalondo
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/minabalondo/posts/153443211428174
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/minabalondo/status/146778434830475264

    Link to blog:http://minabalondo.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: http://minabalondo.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactor-12-days-of-christmas_2275.html
    Total # of entries: 9

  63. Name: Gessa Marie C

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: gessa marie/giza_violetpotion@yahoo.com.ph/Gessa Marie Bartolaba Condino

    E-mail address: giza_violetpotion@yahoo.com.ph

    Answer to question: A BDJ to my sister. :)
    Multiply name: Momee Gee
    Facebook Name: Gessa Marie Bartolaba Condino
    Twitter Name: Momee Gee (@kenge19)
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/ladiima/posts/265615120161185
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/kenge19/status/146878240127066112

    Link to blog: http://www.yougotnogee.info
    Link to blog post: none
    Total # of entries: 11

  64. Name: Joey Arevalo
    GCF: Joey Arevalo
    Email Ad: joselhett@yahoo.com
    Liked and Followed AsianVogue

    BONUS: +3
    Twitter Name: marenglhett
    Tweet Link: http://twitter.com/#!/marenglhett/status/146961400332431360

  65. Name: Charlene Lyra Bianes

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Charlene B. / iamcharlene.b@hotmail.com / Charlene Lyra Bianes

    E-mail address: iamcharlene.b@hotmail.com

    Bonus Entries

    Answer to question: The best Christmas gift I ever gave was love, I think. Heehee. :P
    Multiply name: strawberry0713
    Facebook Name: Charlene Lyra Bianes
    Twitter Name: charlenelyra
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/charlenelyra/status/146966008467423233
    Total # of entries: 7

  66. Name: Anthonine Solis

    GFC: Anthonine Solis

    E-mail address:solisanthonine@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: Love
    Multiply name: micanoe
    Facebook Name:Anthonine Solis
    Twitter Name: @anthoninesolis
    Link to tweet:

    Total # of entries: 6

  67. Name: Hillary Ang
    GFC: HM A
    E-mail address: hillarious_ang@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)

    Answer to question: a beautiful silver watch
    Multiply name: mimi01xoxo
    *They haven't added me back yet so http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb139/mimi01_xoxo/ScreenShot2011-12-15at33329AM.png
    Twitter name: @HillarySwang
    **My twitter is private so http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb139/mimi01_xoxo/ScreenShot2011-12-15at33251AM.png :)
    LInk to blog (I use tumblr): http://ofcastlesandsolitude.tumblr.com
    Link to blog post (I use tumblr): http://ofcastlesandsolitude.tumblr.com/post/14224180554/blog-giveaway

  68. Name: Nicolette Anne Yambao
    GFC: aioi_888
    Networked blogs: Nicolette Anne Yambao
    Bloglovin': aioi_888@yahoo.com
    Email Address: aioi_888@yahoo.com
    Answer to question: my sweet yes to my boyfriend on the Christmas eve of 2006. So yeah, our anniversary is the 24th of December haha :D
    Multiply name: aioi24
    Tumblr: pinkmakesmehigh.tumblr.com
    Twitter Name: @chervaderrr
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/chervaderrr/status/147210130981785600

    Total # of entries: 7

  69. Name: Marites Javier
    GFC name: marites11_javier
    E-mail address: marites11_javier@yahoo.com

    (if you did the bonus entries)

    Answer to question: The best christmas gift that I can give this christmas is my LOVE!

    Facebook Name: Marites Javier
    Twitter Name: maritesjavier
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=343534568994298&id=100002071274881
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/MaritesJavier/status/147333913033969664

    Total # of entries: 6

  70. Name: Angeline Rodriguez

    GFC name: Wonder Woman

    E-mail address: ariangel.rod@gmail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: I gave my parents a grandchild. :)
    Multiply name: thelilpoohbear
    Facebook Name: Angeline Rodriguez
    Twitter Name: the_lil_miss
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/the_lil_miss/status/147366801515364352
    (If you don't know how to get the link to tweet, click on the time stamp)
    Tumblr: wonderwoman45
    Total # of entries: 7

    P.S. Your Multiply link to Asian Vogue is linked to Mauve...?

  71. gfc: small_princess1
    fb: mary grace chua
    twitter: small_princess1

  72. mary chua
    twitter: small_princess1
    link: https://twitter.com/#!/small_princess1/status/147585685728141312

    What's the best Christmas gift you gave anyone? Tell me about it :)
    = my best gift i gave to anyone is my life. instead of spending christmas, i spent it with her. :)

  73. GFC Name: June Izabelle
    Email: izabelle315@yahoo.com

  74. Name: Crystal Delos Santos

    GFC: Crystal Chan

    E-mail address: 7d3adlysins@gmail.com

    Answer to question: Jeans for my mom.. she absolutly loved it
    Twitter Name: okube
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/okube/status/147683556758528000

    Total # of entries: 5

  75. Name: Hazel Uri

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Zelle ♥

    E-mail address: hazeluri@yahoo.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: I just gave my mom a 'wedding ring' because hers got stolen/lost when I was little. It's been years since she's had a pretty gold ring on her 'wedding ring finger', partly because she wasn't even thinking on getting one anymore but the one I gave her? She loves it!
    Multiply name: loveposhcloset
    Facebook Name: Hazel Ann Uri
    Twitter Name: @halfunread
    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/halfunread/status/148041982978166784
    Link to blog: http://raspberrysquirt.blogspot.com - sidebar
    Total # of entries: 9

  76. Name: Mei Santiago

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name: Mei Santiago

    E-mail address: meisantiago29@gmail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)

    Answer to question: My Poochie, a teddy bear stuff toy. This is the first gift I received from my husband. So cute just like him.

    Multiply name: Mei Santiago

    Facebook Name: Mei S. Santiago

    Twitter Name: @rinoabrood

    Link to Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/bubblymei/posts/304185742954512

    Link to tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Rinoabrood/status/148044076674068480

    Link to blog: http://rinoabrood.blogspot.com/

    Link to blog post: http://rinoabrood.blogspot.com/2011/12/farrah-g.html

    Total # of entries: 15 points

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Name: Lovely Joy Merced

    GFC/Bloglovin'/Networked Blogs name:Joy Merced

    E-mail address: bundlesofjoy@rocketmail.com
    (if you did the bonus entries)
    Answer to question: cellphone
    Multiply name: bundles0fjoy
    Facebook Name: Joy Merced
    Twitter Name: joyluck_614
    Link to Facebook post: http://www.facebook.com/lovelyjoymerced/posts/236409929764793
    Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Joyluck_614/status/148045552859365376
    Link to blog: http://ljvm.blogspot.com/
    Link to blog post: http://ljvm.blogspot.com/2011/12/style-reactor-12-days-of-christmas-day.html
    Total # of entries: 12



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